Kristina gave me the awareness of what I've been succeeding at with my diet and what I need to put more focus into. She informed me about how exactly my body's systems are interconnected and how to support my body with digestive enzymes, adrenal supplements, etc. to absorb nutrients better as well as letting me know about an Ayurvedic regimen for detoxing since my body is showing high mercury counts. Not only did she let me know certain changes to make that made perfect sense to me once she said them, but she also supplied me with informative articles and a detailed plan for what to do following the test results. She not only does the test, but also asks for details about your diet and lifestyle in order to fully diagnose and tell you how you can better support your body for its highest functioning. I am left feeling relieved and like I know who to go back to when it comes time to follow up about how things are going.